Open “NLP” Workshop 2021
A workshop bringing together researchers, developers, users and all interested parties engaged in computational processing of multilingual media content; particularly in the machine translation of media to and from low-resourced languages.
As part of the workshop we will run a 90 minutes ideation session (“MT for news production and media monitoring“, 26.5.2021 from 2-3:30 pm CEST) moderated by Lei He from BBC NewsLabs. (Registration is closed)
The event takes place on three days from Tuesday until Thursday: 25 / 26 / 27 of May (from 2pm – 5pm each, CEST)
Join Zoom Meeting (62Upv5kp)
Day 1 – Tuesday (May 25th)
Time | Title | Speaker | Format |
2pm | Low resource machine translation and NLP - new advances (slides) | Alexandra Birch, UEdin | Talk & Discussion |
2:40 | Machine Translation in the newsroom (slides DW) | Robert McKenzie and Sevi Sariisik, BBC NewsLabs Gaby Katz and Olle Zachrison, Swedish Radio Peggy van der Kreeft, DW Innovation | Demo & discussion |
3:20 | BREAK (15 min) | ||
3:30 | Transforming Africa - How we created a hub for low-resource languages (slides) | Chris Emezue, Orevaoghene Ahia, The Masakhane open-source project | Talk & Discussion |
4:15 | Lessons Learned: How the GoURMET Project Developed a Machine Translation Model for a Low-Resource Language in 8 Weeks - run by Juan Pérez (slides) | Juan Antonio Pérez Ortiz - UA, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone - UEdin | Talk & Discussion |
Day 2 – Wednesday (May 26th)
Time | Title | Speaker / Moderation | Format |
2-3pm | Making use of MT in the newsroom - Ideation session (60 minutes) | Lei He, BBC NewsLabs | Interactive Session (registration is closed) |
3 | Ideation: presentation of ideas | Lei He, BBC NewsLabs | Presentation |
3:30 | BREAK | ||
3:40 | Machine translation for humanitarian response (slides) | Alp Öktem, Translators without Borders - Computational Linguist | Talk & Discussion |
4:15 | Societal Impact of MT - Dealing with bias in data and supporting diversity & accessibility (slides accessibility, bias in data) | Ruth Kühn, DW - Technology Management; Nico Patz, MONITIO project; Ksenia Skriptchenko SELMA project | Talk & Discussion |
Day 3 – Thursday (May 27th)
Time | Title | Speaker / Moderation / Participants | Format |
2pm | How ready are the tools and models for MT in the newsroom? A look at scoring and benchmarking | Peggy van der Kreeft, DW; Mikel L. Forcada, Universitat d’Alacant; Hala Attig, DW | Talk & discussion |
2:40 | Extra Dimensions of Machine Translation: Summarization, NER & Voice Translation | Rúben Cardoso, Priberam Portugal; Tugtekin Turan, Fraunhofer IAIS Germany; Yannick Estève, LIA France | Talk & discussion |
3:20 | BREAK | ||
3:30 | European Projects and Platforms pushing MT boundaries | MONITIO (Carlos Amaral, Priberam), SELMA (Kay Macquarrie, DW Innovations), Pinitree Platform (Guntis Bārzdiņš, IMCS University of Latvia), NEWSPILOT EBU | Pitch & discussion |
4:15 | Conclusion & Outlook | Peggy van der Kreeft and Kay Macquarrie, DW | Talk & discussion |
Curious? Get in contact
Interested to participate or to give a talk? Please write us via mail ( or via this Google form (“GoURMET 2021 Open Workshop Survey”).

GoURMET is an H2020 EU project running from 2019-2022 aimed at improving neural machine translation for low-resource language pairs and domains, especially for the media industry.