Who is involved in the GoURMET project?
Five partners form the consortium: University of Edinburgh, Universitat d’Alacant, University of Amsterdam, BBC, Deutsche Welle

The University of Edinburgh is one of the largest universities in the UK and a centre of academic excellence. They are the project coordinator and responsible for overall project management. They will lead the workpackage Modelling Morphological Structure and workpackage Transfer Learning.

The Transducens research group at the Universitat d’Alacant (UA) has been researching and developing in the field of machine translation for two decades. UA will collect and evaluate existing language resources, augment training data, improve word segmentation and incorporate language resources into NMT models. UA will lead the workpackage Data Gathering and Augmentation.

The University of Amsterdam is a prominent research-focused universities and has done research in machine translation for years. It will lead the workpackage on Structure Induction at Sentence Level.

The BBC is a UK-based international public service broadcaster with a mission to inform, educate and entertain its audiences. They are the Innovation Coordinator of GoURMET and will lead the workpackage on Integration and evaluation.
Deutsche Welle is a public service broadcaster, reporting on events and developments in Germany and abroad and does so in 30 languages. DW will lead the workpackage on Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication. They will play a leading role in the work on Data Collection and Management, as well as on Requirements and Prototyping and User Evaluation.