
Meet us @QURATOR 2020

When: January, 20-21

Where: Berlin, Germany – Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)

What is it?

Conference on Digital Curation Technologies (Link to the website)

Why are we there?

We present AI use cases for curation of content in a highly multilingual world broadcaster environment in particular. Deutsche Welle publishes content in 30 languages and selecting, enriching and sharing content is a challenge on its own. Our Human Language Technology pilot projects look towards the future, affecting editorial workflows. We will show our two HLT platforms, targeting monitoring and multilingual content repurposing. 

Our session takes place: Monday 20 January 11:15 – 13:00
Title: Curation of Content Use Cases at a World Broadcaster  

GoURMET is developing MT models for low-resourced languages (and domains), including Amharic, Bulgarian, Gujarati, and Turkish.

Get in touch with Peggy via Email or Twitter.