Woman showing something at the wall, workshop atmosphere

Consultation workshop on Language Technologies

Peggy van-der-Kreeft from GoURMET partner Deutsche Welle will participate and talk in this EU event. Her talk will be about “AI in Multilingual Media Analysis and Production”, outlining the needs for language technologies for a multilingual media house, for both media analysis and monitoring as well as semi-automated production through transcription, translation, subtitling and voice-over.  

Our focus during the 2-day-workshop will include:
* Language Technology and AI
* shared responsibility for language technologies for European languages
* exploiting language data in EU

The event is organized by the European Commission’s CNECT group on Accessibility, Multilingualism and Safer Internet. CNECT stands for: Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

Dates: 10-11 February 2020
Location: European Commission, Brussels

Image source (symbol picture) – Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash